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Outdoor Activities For Kids

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You can find many outdoor activities for children, regardless of whether your family is passionate about nature or looking for adventure. Here are some examples: Bird watching, Nature walks and Obstacle course. These activities are easy to prepare and kids will love them! And what's best, you can incorporate them into your homeschool lesson plans. You can even complete these activities yourself if you have limited time.

Nature walks

Parents who are looking for ideas for outdoor activities for their kids should consider nature walks. The best part about these walks is that they get your children outdoors and active. Nature walks will inspire children to be more open to the world around them and increase their immune system. Nature walks are a great way to connect older children to the natural world. Nature walks can be a great way to get your kids outside and allow them to interact with bugs and plants.

Bird watching

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Children can enjoy bird watching outdoors as an opportunity to learn empathy and appreciate all life. Young children can absorb everything they see, hear and touch. Children can not only learn about birds but also observe their role in the ecosystem. Listening to and calling birds can help children understand how different animals live together. Bird watching can be a great family activity.

Obstacle courses

Set up an obstacle course to get the kids moving in your backyard. Obstacles are great for children's focus and concentration. They are also great for keeping kids engaged and entertained for hours. You can set these obstacles up in your yard and leave them there for your children to enjoy for many weeks. For a more challenging obstacle course, combine some items from your backyard.

Tidal pool

Although many children might find it exciting to discover a new fish or animal in a tidepool, it can pose a danger to marine life. The rocks that protect these pools against light and air are very vulnerable to being cranked. The pulling and poking of intertidal wildlife off rocks can result in their death or injury. Be sure to always follow the rules of tide pooling safety! And, of course, have fun!

Bike rides

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Bicycling can be a fun way for children to get connected to their environment and nature. They become more familiar with their surroundings and people. They also get to see and smell the roses and play in local parks. It's the best way to bond to your community than to ride around on a bike! You can keep your child from becoming cranky and hungry by feeding them before they go on the bike ride. You can also pack snacks for the ride.

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